InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiDeep Links for making Phone Calls in React NativeVoice call, WhatsApp, FaceTime Video, FaceTime Audio and iMessage/SMSAug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
InWomen in TechnologybyUtkarsha BakshiHow to Capture and Share Screenshot in React NativeJun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiWriting UI Tests for React Native Using MaestroSetup UI tests with 5 lines of codeMar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiPolling API in React Native using Redux SagasReact Saga is a side effect manager for Redux. In this post, I will walk you through the process of polling for API response periodically…May 20, 2022May 20, 2022
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiDisplay CSV Data in a React Native Table With PaginationRecently, while working on a React Native mobile project, there was a requirement to display CSV data in a table component. In this post, I…Apr 1, 2022Apr 1, 2022
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiUpload Images to AWS S3 using PreSigned URL in React NativeIn this short post, I will discuss how you can upload images to AWS S3 using pre-signed URLs. Using pre-signed URLs is a secure way of…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiHow to Add Image Picker in a React Native AppReact Native+ Image Picker + Floating Action ButtonsDec 11, 2021Dec 11, 2021
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiHow to Display In-app Toast Notifications In React NativeDisplay in-app toast notifications in 3 easy stepsNov 12, 2021Nov 12, 2021
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiHow to Setup Jest CodeCov Report on Travis for React Native AppsReact Native + Jest + CodeCov + Travis CISep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiTop Component Libraries for React Native WebComparing NativeBase, UI Kitten, RN Paper & RN ElementsOct 29, 2021Oct 29, 2021
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiUsing Firestore in React Native appCloud Firestore is a NoSQL document database that lets you easily store, sync, and query data for your mobile and web apps — at global…Nov 2, 2021Nov 2, 2021
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyUtkarsha BakshiSchedule Background Tasks in React Native AppHow to schedule a periodic background task in a React Native applicationAug 15, 20213Aug 15, 20213
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyUtkarsha BakshiLog In with Google in a React Native ApplicationHow to use Firebase Auth to log in with Google in React NativeAug 11, 20211Aug 11, 20211
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyUtkarsha BakshiHow to Display Contacts using FlatList in React NativeFetch and efficiently display device large list of contacts in React Native app with Redux based caching.Aug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyUtkarsha BakshiSwitch Navigation in React NativeRedirect logged in user directly to Home page using React Navigation’s switch navigator mechanismAug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
InGeek CulturebyUtkarsha BakshiHow to use Realm Local DB in React Native?Recently, I worked on a React Native app and was looking for an easy way to setup a local database that works on both Android and iOS. I…Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021